Fallen out with your family?

It’s happened. You’ve always gotten under each other’s skin (that happens in all families, right?), yet this time … it’s a complete bust-up. At times you feel like you’ve lost your best friend. Other times … you’re fine with radio silence.

Or so you tell yourself.

In reality, you don’t know where to turn.

It happens to every family: the bust-up in which things are said that can’t be taken back. Things that fracture relationships.

Think Prince William and Prince Harry. A huge blow-up, without any thoughts on how they’re going to solve it. It’s like they’re on opposite sides of the Grand Canyon, without knowing how to create a bridge. With Harry’s latest antics, it’s as if he doesn’t want to build a bridge. He wants his pound of flesh, without any thought to how it will end.

With all their resources, they’re still caught in a family feud. They don’t have the skills to figure out what’s most important. They’re creating a lot of hurt, needlessly.

This dispute, and the feud between Posh Spice (Victoria Beckham) and her daughter-in-law, caused Suzy Walker, a member of the British media to reach out.

To me. For advice on the 5 steps to take to manage family bust-ups and restore relationships.

Here’s the link for the article published online and in print at The Metro:

Read The Metro Article now

If you have a moment, send me an email at kim@kimkorven. com and share your thoughts on the points for managing a family bust-up.

Can you see yourself using any of them? Let me know. A simple email. This way, you’ll be helping me help other families.

If you’d rather chat about it, here’s a link to book a complimentary 15-minute call.


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