Is my husband a narcissist?

“My husband’s a narcissist.”

I hear this at least twice a week from the women who are in the midst of divorce. I see this many more times in Facebook groups.

Yet research shows that only 7.7% of men in the United States are narcissists.

It doesn’t add up.

It got me curious. When I get curious, I research to learn. This time I learned that about one-third (1/3) of all adults suffer from chronic sleep deprivation. It’s most common in the same age group as when divorce is most likely to occur.

It could be what we think is narcissism is lack of sleep.

I couldn’t find any published papers on the connection between sleep deprivation and divorce.

But I got more curious. I wondered if it isn’t always narcissism. Perhaps it’s lack of sleep.

Sometimes when I’m curious, I write about it.

This is one of those times.

To learn about the similarities between narcissism and sleep deprivation, and a straightforward method you can use to assess what is more likely, check out the article I’ve published on Medium.


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